Whats ur fave couler

Sunday, 30 December 2012




Friday, 23 November 2012


Ok so I have been getting quite a few mails now saying ''Show a picture of you!'' ''What do you look like?'' so here it is xD

Yes I know ugly little 11 year old girl -.- You asked for it xD

Monday, 29 October 2012

CleverBot's Convo with me.

There was No1 online onEpo_smells so I went on cleverbot :'3

As Always Click To Enlarge :'3

Friday, 26 October 2012

I've been locked out :( They said I have talked about extremely rude content on the 23 and 24. I'm ever so sorry but I have no idea what you are talking about! Honestly from the bottom of my heart I would NEVER EVER do somthing like that, honestly get Dj/Noor to back me up. One day I was Happily chatting away to Manager and Moderator005 and the next they aren't letting me into my account... ever. I've spent 11 months on that account, getting nagged by my mum, spending all night on MovieStarPlanet, missing quality time with my family because of it, getting grouchy if someonee else has the laptop and  I warn yo know MovieStarPlanet, I'm not going to give up now this is not the last of Meglitz....

I'm So Very Sorry
Meglitz ♥

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Ishacool Wedding Photos

Ok so as you know Ishacool has been going out with Mannilocc and they finally decided to get married... as you can imagine the wedding was packed!

Probably NOT  a good  idea to invite your WHOLE online friends list when your on level 25 AND put it on your status!!! :D

  Click To Enlarge
Ok So this is Where it started.In the kitchen :D
 But then every1 started to move...

The Happy couple  -->
Me at the top trying so see myself :D

 The aftermath..
This is the very place it ended when Manni And Isha had enough and left... :D
A few Minutes after 'Mysteriously Leaving' Ishacool Made a look...
On which ManniLocc commented:
GoodBye for now ;)

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Sunday, 19 August 2012


Lol so Earlier Manager came to my room after i made a forum saying 'Staff Needed' *since i run a hotel* and Manager thought i said Staff Needed to Check out My Hotel xD

Hes so awsome right?
Hes even awsomer cause he said this...

Saturday, 18 August 2012

LOLZA! so i made a forum saying i Crave Milk O.O which i do ... and this random girl said to me..

Friday, 17 August 2012

Lucky Lily and Agent Cody Banks

Lucky Lily and Agent Cody Banks FINALLY got together and had a wedding.....

But it was complete and Utter Chaos SO.... they decided to go on there spare accounts..
Thanks to the Help of MissM  i Managed to find out there spare accounts xD ( she went into Codys spare accounts room :D

Here are some pics.... Click To Enlarge

Ok so there are  only a couple
But i was too busy watch Elizabeth_Rocks being crazy then to take pics xD

Dedicated To/ Eliz12

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Thursday, 16 August 2012


Ok so I was on this forum called 'Funny/Weird things you used to do when you was little'
There was some REALLY funny stuff  on there!

As always clicl to enlarge!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Get your MovieStar HERE!

Ok so all you gotta do is mail me see if im online...... Then if  i accept then come to my room!
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Simple Pimple!

P.S Shout out to MissM HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Click To Enlarge

How DARE you say that about the Queen Of Randomness 
Ok so  People keep accusing   me of 'lying' and that I'm NOT friends with Ishacool,PandyPolo,MissM and Princess770

so heres the proof:
Want  more proof? Check out my movies there in them!


plus i dunno why my writing is underlined???


Heyo ♥
Welcome to my Bloggi aboutMSP! *MovieStarPlanet*  

So as you may already no my username is Meglitz and  im level 8 ☺